St.Petrocs Church. South Brent. Devon. England
A charming setting for this magnificent old church. The very southern most tip of Dartmoor. Perched above The Island on the River Aune/Avon which runs down from the moor high above. The river starts its journey to the sea at Aune Head. It snakes its way from the moor through lush wooded valleys eventually to empty itself into the sea at Bantham/Bigbury. The beautiful coast of Devons South Hams. The fact that St.Petrocs is sited on this river is not insignificant. I will explain that further later, maybe in another post but suffice to say TIN! Yes, Dartmoor was a prime source of this precious metal from further back in history than is accurately documented. So in some sense my theory about the church and its supposed Mithric Temple is also a work of the imagination..A story. Too Be continued after a cuppa..:)
Looking down the Aune valley from near Aune Head. Broadafalls. In the distance just visible is Eastern Whittabarrow.EWB. The river flows down from here to the Avon Dam and below that Shipley Bridge. The whole area is rich with old Tinners Workings. Photo by the author. RBJW Media Copyright.
To be continued..A tale of Garth The Tinner..Mithra..Tin.Celts, Druids, Romans, Vikings, Shipwrecks ..And an Island
A work in progress..Have been thinking about it for months.A book! Don't we all? The research..The theorising. The fact..
Oh, and the Mithric Temple? I was told by two seperate sources of its existence in the crypt of St.Petrocs Church. So credit to and RIP to Lt.Cmdr Anderson R.N rtd and Lt.Cmdr Eatwell RN rtd. I worked for both at times. They were both Church regulars and one of them was a warden...So?